Growing your business with referrals

‘Word-of-mouth’ referrals may seem like an outdated concept in today’s digital age of online reviews, but a few credible and positive opinions can still go a long way when it comes to attracting new clients. Customer referrals are never guaranteed, but here are a few methods you can use to increase the number of people…

JobKeeper to be extended

The Australian Government has announced that JobKeeper payments will be extended for a further six months after the initial 28 September 2020 deadline. However, the extended JobKeeper program will have substantial payment reductions compared to the original JobKeeper amounts, as well as revised eligibility requirements. The new JobKeeper flat-rate payment after September will be reduced…

The Government introduces JobTrainer and wage subsidies

The Government has introduced a $2 billion JobTrainer scheme, which aims to help businesses train or re-skill workers in Australian industries of high demand. What is JobTrainer? The new scheme will create 340,700 job opportunities nation-wide and will be open to recent school graduates and workers looking to re-skill in a new industry. Industries that…

Changes to business practices and TPAR

COVID-19 has forced businesses to adapt their practices to cater for social distancing measures and sanitary precautions. As a result, many businesses have taken on contractors to assist with these changes. Businesses who have made payments to contractors in the last year may need to lodge a Taxable payments annual report (TPAR) by 28 August.…

Debt financing vs equity financing

Gathering funding is a challenge that almost all business owners face at some point. Financing can come in two forms – debt financing and equity financing. Debt financing is money that you borrow and plan to pay back within an agreed time frame and interest rate. Common forms of debt financing include bank loans, mortgages…

How to keep employees safe as they return to the workplace

Enforcing health precautions is an essential step to creating a safe workplace and giving your employees peace of mind, especially during the current pandemic. Businesses looking to invite their employees back into the office after the easing of lockdown restrictions should implement safeguards to ensure their workplace is a safe one. Conduct a COVID-19 risk…

Options to consider before declaring bankruptcy

Businesses struggling with debt may feel like declaring bankruptcy is their only option. Premature bankruptcy is an unfortunately common scenario but there are ways businesses can deal with unmanageable debt before declaring bankruptcy. Temporary Debt Protection (TDP) Businesses with debt they can’t pay or are being taken action against by unsecured creditors can apply for…