Simple Super Information For The Self-Employed

If you’re self-employed, you aren’t required to pay yourself super guarantee payments. It is however a recommended way to save for your retirement, and making personal super contributions could be beneficial for you in the long run. As a self-employed individual, you can make regular or lump-sum payments to your super, potentially claim a tax…

Sexual Harassment and The Workplace

In 2021, businesses have seen greater visibility surrounding the issue of sexual harassment within the workplace, particularly within the media and the public sphere. The impact of sexual harassment within the workplace is one that can have long-lasting ramifications on employees and employers alike. Sexual harassment is prohibited in any employment situation and relationship, with…

Managing Money With a Budget

Every little bit of money counts in today’s economic climate, and for many, it’s about making what they have, work for what it is that they need. Money management is an important skill to learn as it helps boost finances with very simple steps. Money management can ease the stress and financial worries of people…