The ATOs ABN cleanup 

The ATO has announced that in October 2019, they will be focusing on the bulk Australian business number (ABN) cancellation program. This program will be cancelling ABNs that the ATO is confident are inactive in an attempt to create cohesion within the Australian Business Register (ABR). There are a few areas the ATO looks into…

Travels with my SMSF

Travelling overseas for an extended period of time is an exciting adventure and a chance to have a break. However, SMSFs do not take a break when you do, which is why it is important to ensure everything remains in line while you are away. Trustees that travel or relocate overseas for an extended period…

Public speaking like a pro

Public speaking can be intimidating and challenging, especially if it is in front of other business professionals. Chances are, if you work in a business environment you will be required to speak in public at some stage in your career, whether it’s for a presentation, meeting, or seminar. Here are three tips to help you…

Contractor obligations for business owners

Contractors bring with them different obligations that business owners need to comply with. Employers that incorrectly classify employees and contractors can face hefty penalties and charges as well as claims for entitlements and superannuation contributions. It must be established whether they are employees or contractors to get tax and super requirements right. When hiring an…

Being aware of copyright infringement  

When sourcing content for your business, it can be tricky to determine what materials you can use without putting your business at risk of copyright infringement. With the internet providing a range of easily accessible sources, it can be easy to forget about the legalities of using material you did not produce yourself. Just because…

Evaluating your social media campaign 

The evaluation part of a social media campaign is often just as important as the campaign itself as it provides insights of consumer behaviours, sales data, and the failures and successes of the strategies and tactics implemented. This is crucial to your company’s future as it will help determine how the next campaign should run…