Checking your Pay As You Go Instalments

Checking that your pay as you go instalments (PAYG) still reflect your expected end of year tax liability is a good idea.  PAYG instalments can be varied multiple times throughout the year, with the varied amount or rate applying to the remaining instalments for the income year, or until another variation is made. PAYG instalments…

Jobkeeper Repayments – Tax Deductible?

The end of the month will see the end of the Jobkeeper payment scheme from the government.  Eligible businesses who choose to voluntarily repay an amount from the Jobkeeper pay that they were given may be able to claim a tax deduction if they treated the payment correctly as assessable income. A voluntary repayment of…

SEO Strategy and YOUR business

A tool that many businesses, organisations and individuals use when setting up their website is search engine optimisation (or SEO). This tool ensures that the website’s visibility on initial searches for something that their product or service matches is much higher than others. To do this, SEO’s often use keywords that allow search engines to…

Easy ways to start your investing journey

There are a lot of options when it comes to investing, but often people are daunted by the prospect. A lack of accessible information, misconceptions about investment opportunities and fear of losing money are often reasons people opt out of investing. Investing can be as easy as a savings account separate from the account that…

Your Business and Ethics

Business ethics are the system of moral and ethical beliefs that guides the values, behaviours and decisions of a business organisation and the individuals involved within that business. These ethics are important to business as many of them are tied directly into the law, and breaches of these can be punishable as an offence Though…